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Connecticut Theatre Company

Spotlight On: Destiny Whitten



Connecticut Theatre Company’s “Spotlight On…” series continues with a look into our talented cast and crew of Nine. Get to know Destiny Whitten who is portraying Mama Maddelena!



Introduce Yourself to Our Audience:

Hello CTC audience! I am Destiny Whitten I will be playing Mama Maddelena/Maria in my first production with CTC. Performing is everything to me and I am grateful to be a part of this amazing cast. I love popsicles, potatoes and laughing with my people.


Why did you want to be involved in this production?

I had never worked with CTC and have always heard great things about the productions. I also really enjoy auditioning for shows I don’t know so I can learn more musicals. There’s SO many to learn !


How do you prepare for a new role or character, and what techniques do you use?

I find all the best clips of people who have performed as the characters in the past and study their choice to see what I like. I do back story research on the characters lives. Then after I figure out what I like best I make it my own and hope for the best haha!


What do you love about your character?

I love that Mama Maddelena is in a position of leadership. She is strong and put together well. She has so much confidence which makes it easy for her to step into the role of Maria.


What challenges did you face bringing the script to life?

I’ve had a challenging time bringing my Italian accent to life. Accents aren’t something I’ve studied or had to work with before.


Who do you look up to (as an actor/director/etc.)?

Barrett Wilbert Weed ! She is a powerhouse. Her ability to perform has me in awe every time. I also have so many talented friends who inspire me on a daily basis, who I am grateful to have around to learn from and grow with. Forever grateful for all of you.


What’s the last thing you do before you step out on stage / the curtain goes up?

I take a deep breath and remind myself to have fun because I’m doing what I love !


What is your favorite film or theater production and why?

My overall favorite production is In The Heights! Nina was a role that I was very fortunate to play a few years ago. It was a dream. I love this show so much because it’s biggest message is support within your community and accepting others for who they are through it all. There is so much love in the show ! 10/10 HIGHLY RECOMMEND!


Nine opens May 17th and runs through June 2nd at Connecticut Theatre Company. Tickets on sale now!


“A galloping fantasy [with a] ravishingly inventive and tuneful score.” – The New York Times